do ver dziala porpawnie powyzej nalezy wprowadzic zmiany w Hook:
I don't have enough time to test it, but it appears that module uses deprecated method in shiptopay/Hook.php. That function Module::getPaypalIgnore() was used to restrict countries for PayPal module. Removing line with call to it should fix error.
So delete line #44 in modules/shiptopay/Hook.php (marked red colour):
if ($frontend) { $sql->leftJoin('module_group', 'mg', 'mg.`id_module` = m.`id_module`'); $sql->where('mg.`id_group` IN (' . implode(', ', $groups) . ')'); $sql->where(Module::getPaypalIgnore()); $sql->groupBy('hm.id_hook, hm.id_module'); }
If you do not want to reinstall module make this change to two files:
- modules/shiptopay/Hook.php
- and override/classes/Hook.php (<- when module is installed Hook.php is copied to this path).
And remember. Before making any changes backup files and db!
ewentulanie nowsza wersa modulu: Payment2Carriers
TUTAJ - ale ta ma jeszcze kupe bugow.