wdrożenia PrestaShop

Zmienne Prestashop

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  • Płeć: Mężczyzna
  • Europasaz.pl
    • PrestaShop, Wordpress, SMF, Woocomerce
  • PrestaShop: 8.0
  • Status: Programista
Zmienne Prestashop
« dnia: Kwiecień 23, 2013, 10:55:31 pm »

Zmienne dla Prestashop

Example of use to retrieve the default category of a product: {$} product.category
$ Category

$ Category-> name
$ Category-> description
$ Category-> id_image
$ Category-> link_rewrite
$ Category-> id
$ Category-> id_parent
$ Category-> active
$ Category-> position
$ Category-> level_depth
$ Category-> Nleft
$ Category-> Nright
$ Category-> link_rewrite
$ Category-> meta_title
$ Category-> meta_keywords
$ Category-> meta_description
$ Category-> date_add
$ Category-> date_upd
$ Subcategory

$ Subcategory.name
$ Subcategory.description
$ Subcategory.link_rewrite
$ Subcategory.id_category
$ Product

$ Product-> category
$ Product-> reduction_to
$ Product-> reduction_from
$ Product.category
$ Product.id_category_default
$ Product.name
$ Product.description_short
$ Product.link_rewrite
$ Product.id_product_attribute
$ Product.id_product
$ Product.available_for_order
$ Product.price
$ Product.price_tax_exc
$ Product.reduction_percent
$ Product.price_without_reduction
$ Product-> on_sale
$ Product-> specificPrice
$ Product-> specificPrice.reduction_type
$ Product-> specificPrice.reduction
$ Conf


$ Base_dir (root folder of your shop)
$ Base_dir_ssl (root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol)
$ CONTENT_DIR (root folder of your shop DEPENDING on the SSL settings)
$ Img_ps_dir (root folder Containing pictures "/ img /")
$ Img_dir (images folder in your current theme directory)
$ Css_dir (css folder inside the current theme folder)
$ Js_dir (JavaScript folder inside the theme folder)
$ Tpl_dir (theme root folder)
$ Modules_dir (modules root folder)
$ MAIL_DIR (email templates root folder)
$ Lang_iso (current language ISO code)
$ Come_from (previous page address [absolute])
$ Shop_name (your shop name specified)
$ Cart_qties (total number of products in the cart)
$ Cart (shopping cart contents)
$ Currencies (currencies sweaters available)
$ Id_currency_cookie (selected currency id [cookie dependent])
$ Currency (active currency)
$ Cookie (active cookie)
$ Languages ​​(grabs available languages)
$ Logged (checks Whether users is logged in)
$ Page_name (current page's name)
$ CustomerName (customer name [session dependent])
$ PriceDisplay (current price display settings [currency dependent])
Below Smarty variables (variables found on Smarty)
{$} Base_dir
Url of your website, the site root. Useful and necessary when you insert links, I highly recommend to hard links directly in your code but rather use this variable and all others who follow, for when you migrate hosting or domain name this could cause you many problems.
{$} Base_dir_ssl
Same via the https protocol.
Url to your site root folder may change depending on the SSL settings. Not to be confused with $ {basedir}, this variable gives you the full Url to the root folder.
{$} Img_ps_dir
Url to the img folder in the root of your store.
{$} Img_dir
Url to the img folder of your theme.
{$} Css_dir
Url to the css file of your theme.
{$} Js_dir
Url to js file located in the root of your store.
{$} Tpl_dir
Url to your theme folder.
{$} Modules_dir
Url to the modules folder. Mainly used in code modules.
Url to the mail folder.
{$} Lang_iso
ISO code of the current language.
{$} Come_from
Absolute url of the previous page.
{$} Shop_name
Name of your shop.
{$} Cart_qties
Total number of products in your shopping cart.
$ {Cart}
Contents of your basket as a table.
{$ Currencies}
List of currencies available in tabular form, find the list using this code {foreach from = $ currencies item = c} $ {c.name} {/ foreach}
{$} Id_currency_cookie
ID of the current currency.
$ {Languages}
List of languages ​​available in the store as a table, find the list using this code: {foreach from = $ languages ​​item = c} $ {c.name} {/ foreach}
{$ Logged}
To check whether the client is connected, useful for displaying elements only to registered visitors. (Eg {if $ logged} You are connected {/ if}
{$} Page_name
Name of the current page (eg index)
{$} CustomerName
Name and surname of the client currently connected.
{$} PriceDisplay
Current setting of the display of prices (ID)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 01, 2013, 12:44:24 pm wysłana przez west »
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