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F Attribute Edit Attributes [Free Modules]

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  • PrestaShop: 1.6.1
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F Attribute Edit Attributes [Free Modules]
« dnia: Październik 22, 2020, 10:02:00 pm »
Prestashop 1.6 is a modular module that replaces starved attributes with constant star constant. If the default is not a star, the default is also the default, which is the default.
With Cron, you can ensure that the module is renewed every 2 or 3 hours per day. Thus, instead of locating the end product between qualities, the stanza defaults to another existing attribute

Example: Consider a product with a shoe size of 40,41,42,43,44. When the number 40 is finished, it is not possible to add the basket on the product page as if the product is not stout, but when you select the number 41, the basket is active immediately.

This module automatically sets 41 as the default, indicating that the product is constantly staked.

Prestashop Attirupes

More Info : https://www.fyazilim.com/en/prestashop-modules/23-f-attribute-edit-attributes.html