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Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!

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Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« dnia: Październik 02, 2010, 03:06:27 pm »
Witam serdecznie,

Na forum społeczności www.prestashop.com jest dostępna nowa wersja systemu 1.3.2. Zmiany jakie zostały dokonane w nowej wersji to:

#   v1.3.2.3 - 2887 (2010-10-01)   #

   Improved/changed features :
  • BO : add a label in module Module > Positions for checkbox
  • BO : Pack Product list (related to bug #4804)
  • BO : set new define on Back office "_PS_ADMIN_DIR_" with retro-compatibility
  • BO : The last admin profile and current profile can't be disabled or deleted
  • BO : You can now define the admin profile
  • Classes : new parameter for method getProfile() on Profile's class
  • MO : Added SSL support for Moneybookers module
  • MO : cleaned canonicalurl module
  • MO : fixed bug #5242 - now you can define a cms page for link on blockpaymentlogo module
  • MO : Updated Moneybookers module (lot of improvements and some bug fixes !)
  • TR : several spannish translations are added
  • IN : Brazil/Brasil states integrated into the default installation
  • IN : States of Mexico

   Fixed bugs :
   [-] Project : fixed bug #4734 - Double semicolons - 14 more instances
   [-] FO : Bad Url in add notification link (related to bug #4824)
   [-] FO : Bug #5160 fixed : previous page don't return to default carrier anymore
   [-] FO : Bug #5222 Fixed : pb iso-lang if change nb product by page, can’t change language
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #3806 - Color picker with custom image
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #4494 - Incorrect reduction price on combination when changing currency
   [-] FO : Bug Fixed #4555 - Supplier page order by manufacturer
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #4636 : States sort order
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #4861 - save personalized field reset color combination
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #4874 - Special characters in the contact form
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5014 - Stylesheet enhancement
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5014 - Stylesheet enhancement
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5014 - Stylesheet enhancement
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5079 - Personalized field name translations
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5080 - RMA status is not refreshed
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5177 - Default category in breadcrumb
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5273 - Bookmark = home page
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5284 - Bookmark https & name
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5286 - added delay between 2 customer comments
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5300 - Warning-inline
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5320 - Escape missing on short product description
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5367 - Tax disable are displayed in order history
   [-] FO : Bug fixed #5425 - Extra carrier not displayed
   [-] FO : bug fix on product page with quantity discount in percent
   [-] FO : bug is fixed in order-confirmation for payment module send secure key by POST method
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4640 - LC_TIME not set to user front office language
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4646 - important bug when disable states
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4680 - image categorie not center
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4707 - Quantities Discount tab not ‘selected’ (light grey)
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4727 - Cart Product out of stock not changed GREEN DOT to RED DOT
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4735 - image 404 size in cart
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4791 - Bug in cart when using customized fields
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4801 - getByemail should be getByEmail in authentication.php
   [-] FO : Fixed Bug #4928 - Attributes + OOS + Display unavailable product attributes
   [-] FO : fixed bug #4967 - detail order in FO not refresh
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5015 - wrong font-family on global.css
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5023 - Class first_item and last item in manufacturer-list.tpl and supplier-list.tpl
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5039 - Incorrect message while search without input
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5057 - discount + tax excluded = old price incorrect
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5071 - Incorrect scene prices for non-taxed price groups
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5108 - apostrophes and quotes part of invalid title characters
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5110 - No redirect after account creation
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5130 - Required * are on left side in identity.tpl
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5156 - Inconsitent use of possessive pronouns “my” and “your”
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5208 - Read CGV with Https
   [-] FO : fixed bug #5276 - create account,pb copy last,first name
   [-] FO : Fixed Bug #5488 - Full HTTPS = Errors
   [-] FO : Fixed Bug #5489 - Search page is https
   [-] FO : fixed bug page authentication for first name and last name
   [-] FO : fixed bug with Hack Attempt message on account edition
   [-] FO : fixed size of images
   [-] FO : fixed size of images
   [-] FO : Ghost 404 pages fixed (I hope)
   [-] FO : maximum value for the weight in the product search indexation increased
   [-] FO : No pack pictures
   [-] FO : Payment modules become independant from blockcurrencies.
   [-] FO : Prevent from recursive deletion when id_category is not set
   [-] FO : remove including blockcurrencies.js.
   [-] FO : set retro compatibility for 1.2 theme
   [-] FO : SSL port value in Tools::securerReferrer
   [-] BO : #5357 / #5360 / #5331  Incorrect group management on customer creation - Disable/Delete category return to home
   [-] BO : added QSA to every rewrite rule of the htaccess
   [-] BO : Admin profile is now defined in config.inc
   [-] BO : Bug #4370 Fixed, specified filename instead of name in AdminAttachments
   [-] BO : Bug #4870 problem to reorder product Fixed
   [-] BO : bug #5202 is fixed - can’t manual resize thumbnails
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #2943 - Admin Catalog Pagination
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #4422 - "Test your email configuration" is now using the PS_SHOP_EMAIL
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4601 - Import Products: no truncate table “ps_feature_product”
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4666 - Problem to reorder product
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4676 - Administrators can edit his privilegs
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #4777 - Import tools: Subcategories with same name, different ID
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4790 - duplicate content (lang-xx/)
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #4839 - Sitemap location (Full url)
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #4850 - HTTPS to HTTP :443 appended to domain
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4859 + Fix on HIPAY_CATEGORY_TEST + new screenshots
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #4878 - Shipping fee are now refreshed when a product is canceled
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4879 - Underscore and other specials chars should not be allowed in tags when importing
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4880 - ProductSales not updated correctly
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4883 - “Order statues” instead of “Order statuses”
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4891 - Hack attempt when a state in use is deleted
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #4952 - 'Notify me' is displayed when attribute doesn't exist
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5017 - Missing space in private message title
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5046 - issue on bulk deletion
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5074 - Sort by price
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5100 - Catalog Selection (on Product & Scene tabs) does not keep value on POST error
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5188 - delete product return to HOME
   [-] BO : Bug Fixed #5283 - Address Country Filtering
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5308 - Not able to add Carrier Tracking URL
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5329 - DB error when changing image position
   [-] BO - Bug Fixed #5350 - Link rewrite during import ' => -
   [-] BO - Bug fixed #5384 - Error and Confirmation boxes width are different
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5396 - Filter box for carrier too small - range price, and range weight
   [-] BO : bug fixed #5399 - Hash Symbol (#) not accepted in Contact Details
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5452 - ES language for status
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5455 - Back Office search placeholder no longer works
   [-] BO : Bug fixed #5493 - ‘Save and Stay’ button missing from images page in BO
   [-] BO : Bug fixed : Can cancel/return/refund more products than available (Related to #5214)
   [-] BO : bug fixed on mail send for new password query
   [-] BO : Bug fixed : Some pictures were not deleted before the import
   [-] BO : category form description area enlarged
   [-] BO : Default admin profile is now created during installation
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #4543, Typo error
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4639 - Languge id hardcoded in administration/init.php
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4682 - personalized field name replaced by text1,2…
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4705 - SQL Syntax error at Shipping Carriers Update when no DB Prefix
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4718 - popup each time you change the default category in admin
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4741 - deleting attributes and back to category link
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4742 - product attribute generator
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4744 - “.COM” suffix incorrected added to test email on BO
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4762 - BO doctype still lang= hardcoded
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #4809 - Final product price (with discount)
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4815 - Voucher with amount doesn’t work
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4818 - Product reductions in import don’t include time
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4818 - you must select at least one group when you edit a category
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4839 - AdminGenerator : robots.txt and sitemap.xml
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4916 - Bad syntax on AdminProducts
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4926 - change status for order paiement method not send values
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4953 - Temporary import files / images in /img/tmp are not deleted
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4964 - Watermark is not applied during CSV import of images
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #4968 - Date check in order return
   [-] BO : fixed bug #4969
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5025 - illogical situation
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5055 - can’t Display available quantities on product page
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5085 - PHP Notice - undefined index - on saving stats settings
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5105 - Icones in BO tabs
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5126 - Total not including tax in stats module is incorrect (not including discounts)
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5157 - Cannot configure disabled modules on the Payment tab
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5159 - Invalid json syntax in /admin/ajax.php
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5193 - tinyMCE including non-existent files
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #5228 translation : [statues => statuses]
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5239 - fix a little bug in Admintranslation
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5243 - pb with field friendly-url and IE8
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5258 - tax disabled but display ht and ttc in bo edit catalog
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #5263 - php warning and product title not displayed!
   [-] BO : fixed bug #5282 - please restore previous AdminZones.php
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #5342 - Reduction problems if reduction_from is not equal with reduction_to
   [-] BO : Fixed Bug #5358 - Edit product > Image > Save/Save & Stay
   [-] BO : Fixed bug #5385 - Tax name not used
   [-] BO : Fixed bug in module Pagesnotfound... not really a bug but an integration fault...
   [-] BO : fixed bug when you create a new virtual bug for the selection of "When out of stock" behaviour
   [-] BO : Fixed bug with discount dates
   [-] BO : fixed generation of image when you add a new supplier
   [-] BO : fixed little JS bug
   [-] BO : fixed PHP error in AdminProduct
   [-] BO : fixed round problems with product uses reduction
   [-] BO : missing "awaiting paypal payment" missing icon added
   [-] BO : now we can't edit the configuration of a module that not installed
   [-] BO : Profile permissions handling specific 1.3.2
   [-] BO : search code cleaned
   [-] BO : slow query fixed on the customer page
   [-] BO : Sort by final price (product) is disabled (related to #5074)
   [-] BO : Spanish default pictures
   [-] BO : States are now ordered by name in AdminAddress
   [-] BO : test mail encryption
   [-] BO : When you disabled stock management, you can't change the value of this option: "Display available quantities on product page"
   [-] BO : Bug #5530 fixed, css problem
   [-] BO : Bug #5522 fixed
   [-] Classes : bug #5227 is fixed - Tax excluded value on PDF invoice with voucher
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4617 - Multi-Lingual URL rewrite
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4631 - price caching system doesn’t take account of customer_id
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4684 - Do not convert PREFIXes in PDF Class
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4701 - PamentModule: product_weight not calculated correctly
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4731 - copy product: customized field is reorder in reverse
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4757 - Cart Last Update Time
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4760 - Attributes - total quantity not updating
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4769 - Attributes - total ‘quantity’ not updating in products table
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #4949 - No error message when voucher is not applicable
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5009 - page 404.php in sitemap.xml
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5011 - Meta description and title disappear when more than one maintenance IP
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5031 - PHP notice undefined outOfStock
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5047 - issue in method ObjectModel::toggleStatus
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5151 - fixed bug on price calculation
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5166 - Quantity discount currency problem
   [-] Classes : fixed bug #5247 - Applied voucher(s) not visible in BO cart-detail if discount qty = 0
   [-] Classes : fixed bug on discount and discount of product
   [-] Classes : fixed bug when you create an order with a product out of stock
   [-] Classes : fixed bug with PayPal module and Quantity discount
   [-] Classes : fixed bug with REMOTE_ADDR value when server use a proxy system with new method on Tools class (#5087)
   [-] Classes : fixed round problems with product uses reduction (we add retro-compatibility but please make update or make a fresh install)
   [-] Classes : fixed use of cookie on validateOrder() method
   [-] Classes : several bugs are fixed on RMA with products having reduction and quantity discount
   [-] Classes: Fixed bug #5576, Search wasn't dealing properly with ' chr
   [-] MO : Bug #5236 fixed : crossselling module en language file spurious php closing tag
   [-] MO : Bug fixed #4653 - fixed SQL Query on CrossSelling module
   [-] MO : ganalytics : addslashes added
   [-] MO : ganalytics : Fixed bug #4872 - Google Analytics obsolete code
   [-] MO : advertising : Pictures not displayed on https pages
   [-] MO : Blockadvertising + Statsdata no more use of $protocol.$server_host
   [-] MO : Bug fixed #5272 (productscategory) - In same category is no longer displayed if the category is disabled
   [-] MO : Bug fixed #5309 - ReferralProgram -> discount value not displayed in email preview
   [-] MO : Feeder : Bug Fixed #5001 - RSS default category
   [-] MO : feeder : Bug fixed relative to product order display preferences
   [-] MO : Gcheckout, extra " removed
   [-] MO : gcheckout : Fixed bug #4866 - HTTPS
   [-] MO : gsitemap - controller white list
   [-] MO : gsitemap - controller white list (related #5430, #5270)
   [-] MO : gsitemap - Fixed Bug #5429, #5430 .php.php at the end of pages URL + problem with default language
   [-] MO : Mailalerts - Fixed "Out of stock" mail alert
   [-] MO : Sitemap - indexed pages displayed not correct!
   [-] MO : fixed bug #3552 (comment) - Total amount doesn’t change on currency change
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4629 - Blockwishlist “product not found” error
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4649 - fixed bug on redirection in PayPal module
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4660 - MoneyBooker HTML tag error
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4674 - RSS products feed v0.2 not work
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4687 - “mailalerts” module doesn’t work in front office
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4696 - Best Products Stats module
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4732 - Undefined index: sekeywords module
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4733 - fixed error PHP on module graphgooglechart
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4771 - MoneyBooker HTML tag error
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4776 - MailAlerts - email input box not clearing onClick
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4778 - Cannot overwrite javascript on Module Block Wishlist
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4782 - now PayPal module manage the Pending status
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4834 - Error in redirect to My Wishlist page after login
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4906 - Add to cart button in viewed.tpl is disabled when quantity >  0
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4910 - Moneybookers 1.0 brakes SSL connection
   [-] MO : fixed bug #4913 - Paypalapi - ‘UK’ should be ‘GB’
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5005 - Canonical URL is http:// when SSL is enabled
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5006 - Mailalerts problem
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5044 - Display in Newsletter Module
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5070 - Little issue in StatsBestCategory totals computation
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5076 - Stats - Best Customers - too many decimal places on price column
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5090 - mailalerts module receive wrong $params when removing a product from order
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5114 - Empty dd tags detected with html tidy in blockbestsellers.tpl
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5131 - Moneybookers iframe isn’t https
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5190 - Paypal SSL issue - non secure links in redirect.tpl
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5205 - fixed width of columns in module statsbestcategories
   [-] MO : fixed bug #5261 - Forgot icon for module paymentlogo
   [-] MO : hipay does not display deleted currencies anymore
   [-] MO : stats grid modules automatically hooked on the admin header
   [-] MO : Updated Moneybookers module (several small bug fixes)
   [-] MO : Bug #5519 fixed : css problem in productsCategory module
   [-] PDF : fixed bug #4667 - tax disable but displayed on slips
   [-] PDF / FO : Price fixed (round issue when price display mode set on "tax included")
   [-] SQL : fix duplicate key on installation
   [-] SQL : fixed bug #4691 - Mysql (table without prefix) error update 1.2.4 to 1.3
   [-] SQL : fixed bug #4958 - Bug in db_settings_lite.sql (Spanish)
   [-] SQL : fixed bug #5269 - fix missing change in db.sql
   [-] SQL : fixed missing columns (reduction_percent & reduction_amount)
   [-] SQL : removed zone.`enabled` table because useless (Bug #5241 Fixed)
   [-] SQL : set default value for need_identification_number field
   [-] TR : added missing translations
   [-] TR : spanish
   [-] TR : spanish
   [-] TR : fixed bug #5060 - FR mistranslation in BO setting product
   [-] TR : fixed bug #5092 - Typos in /modules/bankwire/payment_return.tpl
   [-] TR : fixed bug #5132 - Back Office >> Tools >> Subdomains misspelt “Additionnal”
   [-] TR : fixed translation key
   [-] TR : transaltion is fixed on AdminCatalog
   [-] CSS : fixed bug #4991 - svn2418 on sale icon causes other lines to go askew
   [-] JS : fixed bug #4730 - Line 291 of modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js has double semicolon
www.giftforyou.pl --> Spełnij swoje marzenia !


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Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Październik 07, 2010, 10:54:40 am »

Mam kilka małych pytań:
1. Mam sklep postawiony na wersji 1.3.1 PL czy jak zrobie upgrade do wersji 1.3.2 to będzie wszystko znów po angielsku czy nic się nie zmni?
2. Czy dodatkowe moduły które sobie zainstalowałem będą nadal funkcjonować prawidłowo?


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Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Październik 07, 2010, 11:15:24 am »

Mam kilka małych pytań:
1. Mam sklep postawiony na wersji 1.3.1 PL czy jak zrobie upgrade do wersji 1.3.2 to będzie wszystko znów po angielsku czy nic się nie zmni?
2. Czy dodatkowe moduły które sobie zainstalowałem będą nadal funkcjonować prawidłowo?

Sporo zmian ... trzeba będzie przejrzeć, porównać 328 pliki bo w tylu coś się zmieniło (a doszło jeszcze dodatkowo 45 plików) w stosunku do wersji 3.1.x

Będzie działać, dlaczego miało by nie działać? :)


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Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Październik 14, 2010, 02:01:19 pm »
mam pytanie, właśnie tworze sklep i tu nagle zmiana wersji... czy upgrade robi się nadpisując pliki przez ftp czy w jakiś inny sposob..pytam bo na razie ucze sie presty.


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Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Październik 15, 2010, 03:12:30 pm »
Ja robiłem jak w  FAQ  http://www.prestashop.pl/faq.html z ta różnicą że po rozpakowaniu zipa otrzymałem katalog prestashop, zawartość wrzuciłem do katalogu z moim sklepem. Następnie wszedłem z przeglądarki w katalog install, czyli www.mojsklep.pl/install i tam wyskoczył mi instalator z odblokowaną opcja upgrade, zaznaczyłem sprawdziłem logi wszystko OK.

Jak wrzucałem  pliki w katalogu prestashop po wypakowaniu nie widziałem opcji upgrade.

Zrób sobie beckup przed aktualizacją. Jeżeli twoja grafika sklepu była robiona na domyślnej skórce lub miałeś jakieś modyfikacje sklepu, to je możesz stracić. Ja robię zawsze działający obraz presty i na obraz wgrywam upgrade, jak wszystko działa to dopiero robię upgrade właściwego sklepu.   


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Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Październik 16, 2010, 04:19:51 pm »
Mój sklep działa na najnowszej wersji polskiej (1.3.1).
Robić update teraz czy poczekać na polską 1.3.2 ?

Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Październik 16, 2010, 09:44:44 pm »
U mnie http://sklep.agregaty-serwis.pl opcja upgrade przeszła pomyślnie
trzeba było tylko poustawiać parę rzeczy na nowo ;)))
Jeszcze uczę się presty a sklep jest w wersji "testowej" więc jako takich obiekcji nie miałem.
upgrade zrobiłem sobie na kopii katalogu ze sklepem.


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Odp: Wersja 1.3.2 dostępna !!!
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Październik 18, 2010, 03:35:18 pm »
Zastanawiałem się zawsze do czego pasuje domyślna skórka presty poza sklepem z telefonami i teraz już wiem że psuje jeszcze do sklepu z agregatami prądotwórczymi. Czy mogę liczyć na jakieś upusty  :D