Dla niektórych osób okazało się to całkiem proste. Dzięki za pomoc dla CartExpert.net z prestashop.com
Ta modyfikacja w contact-form.php dodaje usprawnienie w postaci kopi formularza wysyłanego do osoby która wypełnia formularz kontaktowy.
if (Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'contact', 'Formularz kontaktowy', array('{email}' => $_POST[ 'from' ] , '{message}' => stripslashes ( $message ),
'{name}' => stripslashes ( $name ), '{lastname}' => stripslashes ( $lastname ), '{address}' => stripslashes ( $address ), '{city}' => stripslashes ( $city ),
'{postalcode}' => stripslashes ( $postalcode ), '{telephone}' => $_POST[ 'telephone' ] ),
$contact->email, $contact->name, $from, (intval($cookie->id_customer) ? $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname : $email))
AND Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'contact', 'Kopia formularza kontaktowego', array('{email}' => $_POST[ 'from' ] , '{message}' => stripslashes ( $message ),
'{name}' => stripslashes ( $name ), '{lastname}' => stripslashes ( $lastname ), '{address}' => stripslashes ( $address ), '{city}' => stripslashes ( $city ),
'{postalcode}' => stripslashes ( $postalcode ), '{telephone}' => $_POST[ 'telephone' ] ),
$from, '', $from, (intval($cookie->id_customer) ? $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname : $email)))