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Message from the PrestaShop editor!

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Message from the PrestaShop editor!
« dnia: Grudzień 17, 2012, 06:12:21 pm »
Witam everyone!

I'm sorry to address you in English, I unfortunately do not speak Polish.

I am working at PrestaShop and I'm in charge of the internationalization of the software. Poland is really important to us and it pleases us very much to see such a lively community on this forum!

We are doing our best to try and make PrestaShop even better for you all, and we are doubling our efforts by developing modules and improving translations and adapting the software... but we obviously don't know Poland as much as you do :)

Could you help us help you by telling us if you need some things changed or improved in the software? Is PrestaShop 100% compliant with the Polish law?

Please tell us, your opinion really matters!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,
