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« dnia: Marzec 21, 2019, 06:49:48 pm »

mam sklep z biżuterią na Presta Chciałabym założyć sklep ZAKUPY GOOGLE, ale nie mogę sobie poradzić z weryfikacją merchant google. Czy mógłby ktoś wyjaśnić mi w prostych słowach dla laika jak to zrobić?

są 4 metody ale z żadną nie mogę sobie w preście poradzić:

1.Upload the HTML file to your website (most common)

To use this method, you must be able to upload new files to your server.
1. Click the link to download this HTML file:google81ce761ea548df0e.html
2. Upload the file to http://kulkabransoletki.pl
3. Confirm the upload by visiting http://kulkabransoletki.pl/google81ce761ea548df0e.html.
4. Click Verify URL to submit your URL to Google Search Console for verification and claim it.
Once your submit your URL, you'll be sent a confirmation email from Google Search Console.
To stay verified, don't remove the HTML file, even after your URL is verified.

2.HTML tag

To use this method, you'll need to add a meta tag to your site's home page.
1. Copy the meta tag below and paste it into your site's home page. It should go in the <head> section, before the first <body> section.
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="kAZUnb4svq_-_IN55tHsxzmS2Nipyy981DWp_ppvh4k" />
2. Click Verify URL to submit your URL to Google Search Console for verification and claim it.
Once your submit your URL, you'll be sent a confirmation email from Google Search Console.
To stay verified, don't remove the meta tag, even after your URL is verified.

3.Google Analytics Account

1. Use the asynchronous tracking code in the head section of your page
2. You have "edit" permission for the Analytics web property.
3. Click Verify URL to submit your URL to Google Search Console for verification and claim it.
Once your submit your URL, you'll be sent a confirmation email from Google Search Console.
The Google Analytics tracking code is used only to verify site ownership. No Google Analytics data will be accessed.

4.Google Tag Manager

To use this method, make sure you:
1. Use the container snippet.
2. Have the "admin" permission for the Tag Manager container.
3. Click Verify URL to submit your URL to Google Search Console for verification and claim it.
Once your submit your URL, you'll be sent a confirmation email from Google Search Console.
The Google Tag Manager container ID is used only to verify site ownership. No Google Tag Manager data will be accessed.


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« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Marzec 22, 2019, 09:47:24 am »
Najprostsza metoda to wgranie pliku html do katalogu głównego sklepu czyli pkt 1. Robisz to za pomocą klienta FTP. Druga opcja to uruchomienie bezpłatnego modułu Analytics i podanie swojego ID w nim
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