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Store Manager for PrestaShop

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Store Manager for PrestaShop
« dnia: Maj 27, 2011, 04:56:24 pm »
Hello! Sorry for writting you in English. I hope it's no a problem for you.

MagneticOne released a commercial version of Store Manager for PrestaShop.

With Store Manager for PrestaShop you gets:
1. a useful tool to manage categories, products, product attributes, manufacturers and suppliers much easier and faster than in native back-end of online store;
2. convenient customers and orders manager;
3. user-friendly Import/Export Wizard for categories and products;
4. a perfect tool for bulk product management;
5. advanced sales and marketing reports;
6. additonal addons, that will help you to integrate your Store Manager with QuickBooks, ICECat, USPS Shipping integration, or setup Automated Product Import;

Store Manager also provides multiple stores management – you can manage many stores at once and quickly switch between your stores. And you can do all this right from your desktop computer.

I invite you to TRY FREE TRIAL VERSION and discover new possibilities for your online business!

I allow you to contribute to the translation project of Store Manager for PrestaShop! Unfortunately, your native language is not supported by our program, so you can take part in its translation and receive Primary License for free.
Cart2Cart - easy migration to PrestaShop
File2Cart - automated data import to your PrestaShop from csv, xml and txt file
Shopping Cart Diagnostics - fast and simple way to check your PrestaShop for errors


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Odp: Store Manager for PrestaShop
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Marzec 14, 2012, 04:10:30 pm »
We announces the release of new editions of Store Manager for PrestaShop. The outstanding improvement of the plans and pricing boosts the basic store management strategies. The new editions feature the enhancements and store management campaigns focusing on the streamline of PrestaShop based stores of all types.

Striving to extend the functionality of the software, as well as targeting the latest trends in the field of eCommerce, MagneticOne introduces the two major editions of Store Manager for PrestaShop:
Standard Edition
Professional Edition

Check out the new editions of Store Manager for PrestaShop here: http://www.prestashopmanager.com/order
Standard Edition
Aiming at the most basic store management strategies, this edition includes all the most ground options for proper administration of PrestaShop based store. It shares most of the vital features of Store Manager for PrestaShop, albeit with limitations. It is perfect for online shops with a simple streamline of operations requiring quick and clear store handling. With the standard version, you get the following options:
Add the limited number of only 1 store connection to the database
The limited number of up to 2 000 products available for import and export
Basic category management, product management, attribute management and order management
Fundamental administration of general and custom reports, as well as database restore and backup
Sound direct and bridge connections
Mass Product Changer, Product Import - Expressions. Define valid values or add a condition for mass changes using macroses and SQL quieries. E.g. To create an expression use [FIELD_VALUE] macro representing current field value. To increase product price by 10% use the expression [FIELD_VALUE]*1.1
Addons included for testing purposes only. For full functionality, they can be purchased separately

Professional Edition
Professional Edition bears the title constituting its sole purpose. Apart from all the basic features of Store Manager for PrestaShop, this version is designed for the advanced administration of PrestaShop based stores to the greater extent. Therefore, it extends the functionality of the standard edition by losing all the limitations and adding up with additional features. With Store Manager for PrestaShop Professional Edition you enjoy handful of the following functions:
Unlimited number of store connections that can added to the database
Unlimited number of products available for import and export
Advanced category management, product management, attribute management and order management
Fully functional general and custom reports
Encrypted passwords for increased security
SSH support provided for secure connections
Hastened management of database restore and backup options
Advanced direct and bridge connections
Mass product changer for more effective product management
Mass operations with expressions for an easy definition of valid values and conditions using macroses
Addons are included for testing purposes. For full functionality, they can be purchased separately

Following all the advanced enhancements, all the current owners of Store Manager for PrestaShop will be automatically transferred to the Professional Edition of the program!

With all the implemented changes, Store Manager for PrestaShop is aimed at facilitating and improving the administration of multiple operations for all types of PrestaShop based stores. All three editions are developed to extend the functionality of a default admin web interface and help online merchants manage their stores much more effectively.
Cart2Cart - easy migration to PrestaShop
File2Cart - automated data import to your PrestaShop from csv, xml and txt file
Shopping Cart Diagnostics - fast and simple way to check your PrestaShop for errors