wdrożenia PrestaShop

Looking for a Freelancer or WebCompany

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Offline AlexMru

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Looking for a Freelancer or WebCompany
« dnia: Czerwiec 05, 2011, 03:03:52 pm »

I'm a Mauritius webcompany, individually Polish from my mother and married to a polish girl from years now. I'm actually finishing to develop a website in Prestashop for a client that is Polish (and also living in Mauritius).

I used to pass with Indians company but i'm very disapointed of them and i'm looking for Polish developpers as i can more trust them.

I'm looking to someone that can finish the developpment. Basicaly, most of the parts are finished. Still pending a module to create to make an estimation of a product.

Basically it's a jewellery shop, but the client is making B2B and selling just parts of the products. So, there is no standard rate. The price depends of the metal selected (Silver, Gold 14K and Gold 18K), the size of the metal and the quantity. After we have collecxted all this informations, the website will have to take the price of the metal on an other website where it will be indicated on the screen but there is, unfortunely, no xml feed or rss feed.

Please contact me on my mail : alexandre.billaut@vivelio.mu to tell me that you'd be interrested. I'd send you exact requirements and access/password.

Concerning the payment, if we agree, we would find a solution like passing throw Escrow or i could send money to my step-brother (he's living in Warsaw) and he'd keep the money during the dev.

After the project, i would give to the client your contact for the maintenance.

I'd need an answer asap, as we're already very late on the project.

